Fleche (2 April 2015)

We had two teams this year. Coasters went from David Thompson’s house at New Smyrna Beach to my house, the official ending point, in St. Petersburg by way of Cocoa, Melbourne, St Cloud, Lakeland, and Tampa. There were a lot of highlights to this ride, including eating breakfast over and over again, all day long. If you’re ever in St Cloud, check out The Catfish Place. It’s seriously good. There was also the small matter of an armadillo that David whacked without going down. Riding through Ybor City right when the bars let out and the streets were flooded with people partying was a rare randonneuring treat, too.

Kool Aid Gang went from Ed’s house in Geneva to my place, by way of Weirsdale, Dunellon, Dade City, Palm Harbor, and Largo. These guys similarly had great time and, like we did, nearly flawless weather. A real special treat was a visit from Scott Manning at the finish. Scott was in town doing family stuff for Easter and rode on by to cheer on and congratulate his friends on their fine finish. That’s the spirit of randonneuring, right there folks.

Next year, y’all need to stick around for the Easter Egg Hunt. 15 kids scavenged for over 400 eggs. Georgia (age 7) found the coveted “pink pig” egg. Maybe next year it’ll be you.

Team post-ride meeting place St Petersburg, FL

Team 1 (Coasters)
started at 07:00 from New Smyrna Beach, FL; at St Petersburg, FL at 24h00 point

RUSA # Last Name First Name distance at
distance at
342 ASHBY Melanie 338 377 2
2427 PHELPS Wayne 338 377 2
2955 ROZELLE Paul 338 377 1
10101 SMITH John 338 377 1
4226 THOMPSON David 338 377 1

Team 2 (Kool Aid Gang)
started at 07:00 from Geneva, FL; at St Petersburg, FL at 24h00 point

RUSA # Last Name First Name distance at
distance at
8312 BENNETT Ed 346 373 1
9463 BARTH Roger 346 373 1
8397 GRAMLING Don 346 373 1
8963 KUSTERS Marion 346 373 1