19 riders started and 16 made it ’round in what felt like the first weekend of summer on April 26, 2014. It was hot (hitting 90F in Leesburg on Sunday), but at least it was dry and the wind was mercifully light.
Congrats to you all, and especially to those who completed their first ACP SR series. Although it was his second SR series, Ched deserves special commendation: it was his second series this year and he completed both series on a 29′er. Others braved and overcame physical and other challenges to complete this ride. As the rides get longer, the impressiveness of completing them grows exponentially. You should be proud of your accomplishment.
This ride completed my 10th SR series — one a year for 10 consecutive years, with no DNFs. That makes me feel good, but it’s especially gratifying to look back on that decade and remember all the excellent people I did those rides with and especially who taught me and helped me along the way. That camaraderie is what makes randonneuring a special, unique cycling discipline. I hope that all of your future rides are and excellent, memorable, and meaningful as mine have been. See you on the road!
RUSA # | Last Name | First Name | Time |
9217 | ALICEA | Ricardo | 37:47 |
6388 | BADGER | Charles | 38:53 |
8100 | BARTOLIN | Matthew | 38:53 |
1009 | BOL | Tim | 36:20 |
8296 | BOMBKA | Michael | 36:57 |
185 | GRABIAK | Larry | 36:20 |
7479 | HURLEY | Brian | 38:53 |
7495 | KEHLER | Mike | 36:57 |
4670 | LONGLEY | Judith | 38:19 |
9105 | MANNING | Scott | 36:43 |
8261 | MIRO SR | Ricardo | 37:47 |
2955 | ROZELLE | Paul | 38:11 |
9310 | SCHRECK | Daniel | 38:19 |
41 | SOLANICK | Jim | 33:02 |
4226 | THOMPSON | David | 33:02 |
8441 | WELLS | Ched | 38:19 |